★ 美國PBS最受歡迎的科學卡通「魔法校車」Magic School Bus改編讀本+音檔
★ 有趣內容反覆聆聽,快樂練習自然發音、字母拼讀
2022年新版的Magic School Bus Phonics Fun Set魔法校車自然發音故事讀本套書,內容包含12本書及故事音檔。讀者可下載出版社官方app—Scholastic StoryPlus,先註冊後、再掃描書上QR Code聆聽故事音檔。
The Magic School Bus: Takes a Nap
The Magic School Bus: Falls from the Nest
The Magic School Bus: Sticks to It
The Magic School Bus: Drops the Trash
The Magic School Bus: Pumps It Up
The Magic School Bus: Makes Flakes
The Magic School Bus: Falls with the Leaves
The Magic School Bus: Rides the Wind
The Magic School Bus: Gets So Cold
The Magic School Bus: Flies to the Moon
The Magic School Bus: Ships Out
The Magic School Bus: Loses a Tooth
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