精美全彩精裝版,由美術和電玩設計者視角切入,詳細紀錄關於《蔑視》的設定和概念。這款原創恐怖遊戲,受電影中最知名外星生物《異形》之父-吉格爾(H. R. Giger)所啟發,由玩家扮演莫名被丟進這個世界裡的主角,持續探險並生存的跨平台遊戲。本書收錄所有角色、生物、武器、地圖、使用者介面、美術概念和設計草稿。噩夢般的世界設定,以人體器官為靈感的獵奇感官刺激,複雜的主題和令人顫慄的冒險劇情,絕對是《蔑視》玩家與《異形》粉絲的必備收藏。
"In this coffee table hardback, uncover the concept and vision behind Scorn, alongside insight from the artists and software designers at Ebb. The game is set in a nightmarish universe of odd forms and somber tapestry inspired by the work of H.R. Giger, and designed around the idea of "being thrown into the world". This lavish book explores the characters, creatures, weapons, and locations, with maps, user interfaces, concept art, and original designs. The unsettling biomechanical environment is a character in itself, and every location reveals its own theme, puzzles, and characters that are integral in creating a cohesive lived-in world. "It blends the anatomical and organic with the mechanical and architectural to create fleshy, irregular landscapes inhabited by shambling monstrosities.""--PC Gamer magazine.