My Baba’s Garden

My Baba’s Garden


  • 定價:722
  • 優惠價:73527
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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英國凱特格林威大獎得主席尼.史密斯(Sydney Smith)新作,繼《我說話像河流》後,和加拿大詩人喬丹.史考特再度聯手
美國青少年圖書館協會(Junior Library Guild)選書
  加拿大詩人喬丹.史考特 (Jordan Scott)和獲英國凱特格林威大獎的繪者席尼.史密斯(Sydney Smith)曾以《我說話像河流》(I Talk Like A River)榮獲波士頓環球報號角書獎(Boston Globe-Horn Book Award)。本書是兩人第二度合作,喬丹.史考特從童年記憶出發,以第一人稱緩緩訴說與波蘭裔祖母之間的故事。祖孫倆或許沒有太多共同的言語,但從阿嬤充滿愛的燕麥粥,以及在早餐時與男孩的互動,情感不需多言便自然流露。安靜而深刻的圖畫中,彷彿能實際感受到故事中的氣息、味道、聲音,簡單的幾個畫面,便傳達出小男孩與阿嬤之間建立起的緊密連結,情感溫柔而動人,蘊含深刻力量。

The bond between a child and his grandmother grows as they tend her garden together.

A young boy spends his mornings with his beloved Baba, his grandmother. She doesn’t speak much English, but they connect through gestures, gardening, eating, and walking to school together. Marked by memories of wartime scarcity, Baba cherishes food, and the boy learns to do the same. Eventually, Baba needs to move in with the boy and his parents, and he has the chance to care for her as she’s always cared for him.

Inspired by memories from poet Jordan Scott’s childhood, with beautiful, dreamlike illustrations by Hans Christian Andersen Award-winning illustrator Sydney Smith, My Baba’s Garden is a deeply personal story that evokes universal emotions. Like Scott and Smith’s previous collaboration I Talk Like a River, winner of the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, My Baba’s Garden lends wistful appreciation to cherished time with family.

A Charlotte Zolotow Honor Book
A New York Public Library Best Book of the Year
A Kirkus Reviews Best Picture Book of the Year
A School Library Journal Best Book of the Year
A Horn Book Fanfare Book
A Booklist Editors’ Choice
A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection
An Evanston Public Library Great Book for Kids



Jordan Scott is a poet whose work includes Silt, Blert, DECOMP, and Night & Ox. Blert, which explores the poetics of stuttering, is the subject of two National Film Board of Canada projects, Flub and Utter: a poetic memoir of the mouth and STUTTER. Scott was the recipient of the 2018 Latner Writers’ Trust Poetry Prize for his contributions to Canadian poetry. I Talk Like a River is Scott’s first book for children. He lives in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island with his wife and two sons.

Sydney Smith is an illustrator of picture books whose work includes Sidewalk Flowers by JonArno Lawson; The White Cat and the Monk by Jo Ellen Bogart; and Town Is by the Sea by Joanne Schwartz, which was awarded the 2018 Kate Greenaway Medal and the 2018 Children’s Literature Award. He both wrote and illustrated Small in the City, which Kirkus Reviews called Extraordinary, emotional, and beautifully rendered. in a starred review. School Library Journal said The use of line, reflection, and perspective masterfully evoke a bustling gray city. in another starred review. Travis Jonker of 100 Scope Notes, a School Library Journal blog, said Small in the City is one of my favorite books of 2019. His accolades include two Governor General’s Awards for Illustrated Children’s Books and four successive New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book of the Year citations.



  • ISBN:9780823450831
  • 規格:精裝 / 32頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:4歲~8歲




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