週四的晚上,Mousy參加和朋友的固定聚會,但她看起來卻不是很開心。上週Mousy 才剛搬去和Buck同住,她本來很興奮,但今晚的她卻看起來不太對勁。當Mousy的朋友問起,Mousy回答:「喔我只是不想太晚回家,我不想讓Buck擔心。」
「當一個人愛你,他不會詆毀你,不會試圖掌控你,也不會讓你覺得害怕。」I Am Mine Alone 觸及繪本中少見的主題,描述一段關係中該有的界線,以及不健康的關係可能會出現的的警訊。強烈的色調和圖畫中的隱喻。
In this beautifully illustrated book, Raquel Díaz Reguera evocatively addresses the delicate themes of control and possessiveness, creating awareness of what is acceptable and what is not.
When Mousy moves in with Buck, she finds their life isn’t quite like she thought it would be... Buck seems to want to control everything she does. He starts asking her strange questions: "Isn’t it a little late for you to be getting home?", "Are you hiding something from me?", "Wear this - don’t you want to look pretty for me?".As time goes on, Buck becomes more possesive and, while Mousy seems to shrink, Buck seems to be transforming from a mouse to a cat. Mousy must find the courage to escape the burrow.