Do One Thing Every Day to Sleep Well Every Night: A Journal

Do One Thing Every Day to Sleep Well Every Night: A Journal

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This guided journal features 365 quotes and prompts to help you rest easy and get the most out of your sleep--part of the bestselling Do One Thing Every Day journal series.

The title of sleep scientist Dr. Walker’s popular TED Talk says it all--"Sleep Is Your Superpower." Not only does sleep benefit your mood, alertness, and attention span, it can also boost your learning capacity and even prevent illness. This undated 365-day journal is filled with quotes, prompts, and exercises that will help you get a good night’s sleep every night.

Open the journal to any page for something new to think about and do using the recommendations for the best sleep conditions, including:

- Routines, naps, diet, and exercise
- How to wind down mentally and physically
- Where to find expert advice
- Chant sleepy mantras, like "Let it go" or "Om"
- Wear warm socks to bed
- Drink sleepy drinks (chamomile, not cocktails!)

Each page features a quote from a different writer, artist, scientist, musician, spiritual leader, or celebrity. You may not take a shot of whisky and a two-hour nap every day like Winston Churchill, but there are plenty of ideas to help make your sleep more restful and restorative.



Robie Rogge is a New York City-based packager who has created many successful guided journals and novelty products for Clarkson Potter and the Museum of Modern Art.

Dian G. Smith is a freelance writer and reading specialist.



  • ISBN:9780593236567
  • 規格:平裝 / 368頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【心理勵志】用閱讀傳遞正能量!圓神電子書全書系,三書79折









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