★ 英國Amazon讀者評價5顆星!英美各大親職教育網好評推薦!
★ 兒童情緒與心理成長繪本三部曲,陪伴孩子發現並了解心情感受,以及學習如何調節自己的情緒!
★ 一系列充滿寓意的兒童情緒與心理繪本,透過圖像與色彩的運用,讓讀者融入故事裡:作者慧黠的把煩惱視覺化,封面上一朵宛若雲朵外形的煩惱形象,隨著時間流逝愈變愈大,大到占據了半輛校車和一大半電影院的空間,大到露比再也沒辦法思考任何其他事,讓讀者的情緒也跟著露比慢慢變得灰暗、悲觀。
★ 在成長的過程中,孩子會逐漸遭遇各式各樣不容易用語言清楚表達的情緒與感受: 《露比的煩惱》正是這樣一部題材貼近生活,視覺表達溫暖、俏皮又容易理解的可愛作品。我們清楚看見露比如何初次察覺她的生活中出現了煩惱。她一開始不以為意,後來卻漸漸被煩惱的力量牽制,整個頭腦裡只剩下擔心。家長與老師們,如果能適時與孩子共讀相關的故事,便更能從與孩子們的討論與互動中,理解彼此各種細膩的感受
★ 作者Tom Percival是一名作家、藝術家、影片製作人及音樂人,曾創作多部繪本,期待透過這一系列的兒童心理繪本,讓孩子與家長共同閱讀,為孩子建立健全正向的心理發展。
A reassuring and sensitive book - the perfect springboard for talking to children about sharing their hidden worries. From the Big Bright Feelings series by Tom Percival
Be open, be honest, be you! Big Bright Feelings for little people.
'If your child has a worry - and all children do have worries - this is the ideal book to encourage them to talk about it' Parents In Touch
Ruby loves being Ruby. Until, one day, she finds a worry.
At first it's not such a big worry, and that's all right, but then it starts to grow. It gets bigger and bigger every day and it makes Ruby sad. How can Ruby get rid of it and feel like herself again?
A perceptive and poignant story that is a must-have for all children's bookshelves. From Tom Percival's bestselling Big Bright Feelings series, this is the perfect book for discussing childhood worries and anxieties, no matter how big or small they may be.
If your child has a worry - and all children do have worries - this is the ideal book to encourage them to talk about it ― Parents in Touch
With gorgeous illustrations and careful, beautiful words, it's a must buy for any child who worries or panics a bit more than they'd like ― Irish Examiner
Written with a lightness of touch . this is a very special book ― Angels & Urchins
A valuable asset to the library of a child who experiences anxiety and a great book to get children talking about their feelings ― Kirkus Reviews
A reassuring and thoughtful book that offers an optimistic but realistic resolution. ― Ten of the Best: books starring children from BAME backgrounds, Books For Keeps
A joyous, original paen to individuality ― Guardian on PERFECTLY NORMAN
A sweet and uplifting story that celebrates diversity . and inspires children to dare to be different and have the courage to stand out ― BookTrust on PERFECTLY NORMAN