★德國知名繪本家Britta Teckentrup操刀,年度最佳繪本《BEE》改編
★前作《大自然貼紙遊戲書(超過200張絕美貼紙)Tree: Activity Book》大受好評,第二彈隆重登場
這本貼紙互動書收錄尋找單字遊戲、謎題、著色遊戲和迷宮,能讓小手忙碌好久。豐富的知識鼓勵孩子探索及保護大自然。在Britta Teckentrup細膩的畫筆下,孩子會更深入理解各種場景不同的物種,並能意識到這些生態系統重要的物種,正瀕臨滅絕。
這本貼紙互動書《Bee: Activity Book》由暢銷繪本《BEE》改編而成,跟著書的腳步,孩子能認識蜜蜂這個重要物種,也能看遍美麗的大自然!
屢屢獲獎肯定的繪本家Britta Teckentrup,創作了80幾本繪本、在20多個國家發行。她創作一系列關於大自然繪本,包括《Bee》、《Moon》、《Sea》、《Home》,透過色彩繽紛的圖畫、有趣的挖洞設計以及簡單文字,帶孩子一窺大自然之美,喜愛大自然的孩子們不可錯過。
Follow the journey of a bee in this beautifully illustrated sticker activity book. Fly from the forests and meadows to the ponds and hive and learn all about bees on the way.
With wordsearches, puzzles, colouring activities and mazes throughout, this brilliant book will keep little hands busy for hours. Fun and exciting activities engage young minds and encourage them to explore and protect the natural world.
Readers will love exploring each setting while learning more about a beloved species which is crucial for the eco system but increasingly endangered.
With over 200 stickers, this is the perfect activity book to inspire a love of nature.
From award-winning illustrator Britta Teckentrup.