★ 魔法世界最夢幻組合:《哈利波特》及《怪獸》系列電影視覺設計團隊 MinaLima 親自操刀設計,重新詮釋 J.K. 羅琳筆下的迷人魔法世界
★ 8 個魔法互動機關:透過充滿巧思的精緻紙藝,打造魔法感十足的驚喜閱讀體驗
★ 超過 190 張全彩精美插圖:由 MinaLima 特別繪製,搭配小說完整故事內容,邀請讀者一起身歷其境,經歷精彩魔法冒險
《哈利波特 3:阿茲卡班的逃犯》魔法機關書,封面以本集最精彩的冒險行動為主題,描繪哈利和妙麗騎著鷹馬巴嘴,在滿月之夜飛越霍格華茲。邊框則以經典的四大學院院徽,加上暗藏其中的故事元素彩蛋設計而成。精緻燙印、質感獨具的封面,為全新冒險旅程揭開序幕。
MinaLima 是《哈利波特》及《怪獸》系列電影視覺設計團隊,電影中完美重現魔法世界的「劫盜地圖」、「預言家日報」等道具皆是出自他們之手。精緻美麗的插圖,結合令人驚豔的機關巧思,讓此版本格外具有紀念價值,不只值得一路陪伴哈利波特成長的忠實粉絲收藏,也很適合作為新世代讀者感受魔法魅力的起點,可說是哈利波特迷書架上不容錯過的珍藏。
'The third book in the Harry Potter series, illustrated in brilliant colour by the iconic design house MinaLima and featuring interactive paper-engineered elements, including the Marauder's Map!
Return to Hogwarts in this stunning edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. J.K. Rowling's complete and unabridged text is accompanied by full-colour illustrations on nearly every page and eight paper-engineered interactive elements. Readers are invited to explore the Knight Bus, reveal the Grim in a teacup, spin the Time-Turner and more!
Designed and illustrated by MinaLima - the award-winning studio behind the graphic style of the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts films - this keepsake edition is the perfect gift for Harry Potter fans of all ages, a beautiful addition to any collector's bookshelf and an enchanting way to share this beloved series with a new generation of readers.