這本插圖繽紛、腳色可愛的小書,內容靈感出自十九世紀英國女作家Sara Coleridge的一首詩〈January brings the snow〉,以充滿韻律感的方式,為小小孩描述一年十二個月各式各樣值得紀念的情景。一月的白雪、七月的冰淇淋、十月的萬聖節還有十二月最讓人期待的聖誕假期。跟著這本小書押韻的文字,孩子們自由地在書中探險,翻開每一頁,參加一場場令人期待的活動,是孩子認識月份、天氣與節慶的最佳書籍。
Inspired by Sarah Coleridge's familiar poem 'January brings the snow', this little book describes each month of the year in a toddler-friendly way. Gorgeous animal characters show things to remember for each month, from glowing cheeks and noses in snowy January, to skipping lambs of May, ice cream in July, Halloween fun in October and Christmas celebrations in December! What better way to learn the months of the year than with this sweet, memorable rhyming book?