Nisha Burton’s passion is an intersection of the spiritual and business worlds. She is a branding and marketing expert, an XR technologies specialist, an award-winning filmmaker, and a prolific lucid dreamer. Having extensively studied the works of Stephen Laberge, Tibetan Dream Yoga, and countless other lucid dreaming experts, Nisha weaves the information that she has learned with masters into her own first-hand, advanced experience in the lucid dream realms. Her family heritage of Cherokee, Choctaw, Santee, Voodun, West African, and Celtic ancestral lineages all come through the visual symbolism of her powerful illustrations. She is a sought-after speaker and teacher at universities and conferences because of her expertise in storytelling through various high-tech mediums.
Norma J. Burton has eight years of graduate training in the psychology of religions and Jungian analysis, and over 30 years as a teacher and therapist. Norma brings a high level of expertise to the arena of human transformation. She is a conference organizer, speaker, and has run several successful retreat centers. Her significant client base of global leaders is due to her unique, holistically successful coaching program. Norma apprenticed with Huichol shamans of Mexico for 20 years and was given permission to carry on their shadow healing lineage. Furthermore, she has studied with Condoble- Espiritu healers of Brazil, Shugendo mountain shamans of Japan, Cherokee, Iroquois, Hopi and Navajo healers of North America. Norma was Founder of The Institute of Ancient Healing Arts, Santa Fe, NM, a training center for Japanese and Southwest Native American healing arts, and Founder and CEO of the world-famous Circle of Trust Healing Center, a residential holistic healing program for Drug and Alcohol Recovery and Mental Health. Currently Norma leads an international counseling and consulting practice.
This mother and daughter team live in Ashland, Oregon