If ’Aliens’ were to ’Return’ to Earth and ’Show-up’, what would they find on Earth? What would they say about the Human Condition? The purpose of this Book is to present the Rationale as to why the Alien Disclosure has not been allowed to be made. Why not? It has been ’Reserved’ or Withheld for when the True Biblical Rapture does occur. How come? If the Alien Disclosure would have been ’Officially’ Released or made already, especially since World War 2, the Explanation of ’Who did it’ and ’What happened’, would not be readily accepted by Billions of People that will demand an Answer when Millions of People and Children will ’Be Taken’ from off the Face of the Earth. According to the Bible, such Entities are either Fallen Angels in a Rebel Alliance with Lucifer. And that Demons or Disembodied Spirits are the By-Products of Hybridization Interferences between Fallen Angels and Human Women, etc. To a large part, it will be because of how Humanity has been Conditions, Programed, Controlled and Dumbed-Down to a Point that they have been reduced to Modern Day Serfs. So, if curious about one’s Take on the ’Alien Rapture’, do read about what Circumstances will lead to why the Lie of an ’Alien’ Rapture Narrative will be Believed.