Fanomics(r): Turn Customers Into Fans and Profit from It

Fanomics(r): Turn Customers Into Fans and Profit from It

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Every company wants to turn its customers into true and lifelong fans. In this book, Roman Becker and Gregor Daschmann, the discoverers of the Fan Principle and FANOMICS, demonstrate how this can be actually accomplished. They transfer the mechanisms of fan relationships from sports, music, and art to those between companies and customers. What turns a customer into a "fan" customer? How are these identified? And how can the Fan Rate be managed and even increased? This book provides answers to all these questions. Based on surveys and interviews with more than 100,000 respondents, it becomes clear that fans have the highest customer value and therefore contribute significantly to the economic success of a company. However, in order to win fan customers and increase these numbers, a complete rethinking of customer relationship management and a departure from the customary key performance indicators is necessary. Takingthis path is extremely worthwhile. Fan customers have an emotional connection to their provider and form a new, reliable "currency" - both as direct buyers and as active ambassadors.

This a must-read for all business decision-makers who want to improve the quality of their customer relationships, while saving money and achieving more than just short-term success.

From the contents:

- Definition of fan customers and what "emotional customer loyalty" means

- Distinct value of the fan customer as a value-added partner and ambassador

- FANOMICS as a management program in customer relationship management

- Concrete suggestions for implementing FANOMICS

- Best practices and illustrative examples of tops and flops from the business world



Roman Becker is the founder and managing partner of the market research and consulting company "2HMforum. For best relationships." in Mainz (Germany). He is a pioneer in the analysis and optimization of emotional customer loyalty and employee loyalty. Over the past 25 years, he has helped decision-makers at national and international companies to optimize customer and employee relationships with the help of FANOMICS and thus become more successful. Roman Becker is also the initiator of the benchmark studies "Fanfocus Germany" and "Employee Focus Germany" as well as the renowned company competition "Germany’s Customer Champions." He studied journalism and economics at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, where he also worked for many years as a lecturer for statistics. He is a fan of the football club Mainz 05 and is passionate about winter sports.

Gregor Daschmann is a Full Professor of Media Effects at the Department of Communication Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Media, and Sports at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany). He is also an academic advisor to "2HMforum. For Best Relationships." His work focuses, among other things, on media psychology, media effects, and empirical methods. After studying Communication, Politics, and Psychology, Prof. Daschmann worked as a journalist in various broadcasting stations. Gregor Daschmann is a fan of the football club Mainz 05 and plays bass guitar in the Rockin’ Blues Band.



  • ISBN:9783658412388
  • 規格:精裝 / 190頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【博客來|日文】STARTO大祭り,星達拓藝人雜誌寫真任2刊9折









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