Linux: Introduce to Beginners Guide UNIX operating system, Linux System & Network administration, cybersecurity, IT

Linux: Introduce to Beginners Guide UNIX operating system, Linux System & Network administration, cybersecurity, IT

  • 作者: Wallace, Zachary
  • 原文出版社:Zachary Wallace
  • 出版日期:2023/03/14
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:3038

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★★★★★ Do you want to understand better the purpose of Linux? ★★★★★

and why so many people prefer it over Windows? If yes, then keep reading!

At the core, Linux is one of the best-known and most utilized open-source operating systems. Essentially, it sits underneath your other software on the computer to take these requests and relay them to the hardware on the computer. Effectively, all of the programs, services, and tools are put into this to create a super-functional operating system.

But, the thing about Linux is that it is everywhere. It has been around since the 90s, and it has got a super popular user base that spans all over different industries and continents. So, the truth is, you are probably using Linux right now, it’s in the phones, fridges, and even in Roku devices, and most of the internet uses this.

You may wonder why some people choose Linux over windows; there are a few reasons. For starters, Linux can be used on older computers. While you can use Windows XP on some, it is not supported by security updates like the later versions. Many Linux distributions are reused specifically for older hardware and are updated on a regular basis. Then there is also the fact that some of these distributions and environments are more familiar to those who like traditional computers than those that are using Windows 10. there are lots of complaints about Windows 10, and while the bugs may have been taken out, people still prefer Linux over this.

This book covers:

✓ Virtual Machine

✓ How secure your accounts

✓ Ubuntu

✓ Searching and Extracting Data

✓ Advanced Commands in Linux

✓ How to hack passwords

✓ Kali Linux

And much more! for you to learn in simple steps

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Linux is different from other types of operating systems. Because it contains no proprietary software or hardware drivers. This means that everything inside the Linux system is open-source, freely available to the public for study and modification, allowing many users worldwide to modify and create their own customized versions of Linux. Linux is not limited to just desktop use; it also has been used in servers and industrial control applications.

Linux benefits the user by being open-source software that anyone can modify and learn from. Linux makes it easy for an average user to see how the code runs so they can see what parts are important or how things work together. With Linux, you can learn from the source code, and just by looking at it, you can figure out what is happening.

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  • ISBN:9781806309467
  • 規格:精裝 / 796頁 / 22.86 x 15.24 x 4.29 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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