★風靡國小、國中生的《Dog Man》、《Captain Underpants》凱迪克獎作者最新系列《Cat Kid》第5彈爆笑登場
在美國被喻為天才型的漫畫及繪本作家戴夫‧皮爾奇(Dav Pilkey)擅長幽默搞笑筆觸和畫作, 最新暢銷書系《Cat Kid Comic Club》以《Dog Man超狗神探》中的反派角色Li’l Petey為主角,創作出的圖像小說,以各種技法展現每隻小青蛙們不同的獨特視角:彩色鉛筆、書法、攝影、拼貼、水彩等,展現多素材的創意風格。
在新的一集中,Cat Kid Comic Club陷入危機! 蛙寶寶們得知自己的漫畫即將出版後,感到極度焦慮與自我懷疑。他們將如何重拾創作動力?Naomi或Melvin會成為領導者,帶領大家突破重圍嗎?
"After learning that one of their comics will be published, the baby frogs are filled with anxiety and doubt. How will they get their creative groove back? Will Naomi or Melvin emerge as a leader? Will Flippy convince them to finally straighten up and fly right? The story is hysterical, thought-provoking, and full of action-packed mini-comics: ’Frogzilla vs. Mechafrogzilla,’ ’I Am Dr. Fredric Wertham,’ ’Two Birds,’ and ’RoboChubbs.’ Pilkey shows the reader that the best way to influence people is to be open, gentle, and kind"