★ 讀者滿五星好評!孩子第一本身體認知書
★ 玩中學身體構造、運作功能等簡單概念
★ 韓國超人氣繪者新作。繽紛場景,搭配小手好操作的翻拉推互動設計
Preschoolers will love discovering fun facts about their body in My First Body Book from Campbell Books. With acetate windows that show through to your bones, heart, lungs and more plus pull tabs for different processes such as digestion and how your brain sends messages, this book is perfect for hands-on learning.
Packed full with people of all shapes and sizes and with a focus on health and well-being, STEAM learning has never been so much fun!
Vibrant illustrations by Yujin Shin bring the book to life, with plenty to spot and talk about in the pictures.
Children can have more learning fun in My First Clock Book!