Children in Our World: Poverty and Hunger

Children in Our World: Poverty and Hunger

世界中的孩子 1:為什麼會有貧窮與飢餓?

  • 作者: Louise Spilsbury
  • 原文出版社:Wayland
  • 出版日期:2018/08/09
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:494
  • 優惠價:7345
  • 優惠期限:2024年10月31日止
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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       Children in Our World: Poverty and Hunger《為什麼會有貧窮與飢餓?》

* 歐美中小學生最佳社會學啟蒙讀物+波隆那童書展獲獎畫家聯手力作
* 小學生就能懂的語言+優美富渲染力的插圖:引導孩子循序漸進理解重大國際議題。
* 同理心+生活經驗的連結:將遙遠的國際事件連結孩子的生活經驗,幫助他們體會苦難者的處境。
* 全球觀點+扣合中小學國際能力指標:是所有孩子絕佳的國際議題橋梁讀物。




1.《世界中的孩子1:為什麼會有貧窮與飢餓?》Children in Our World: Poverty and Hunger
2.《世界中的孩子2為什麼會有難民與移民?》Children in Our World: Refugees and Migrants
3.《世界中的孩子3:為什麼會有種族歧視與偏見?》Children in Our World: Racism and Intolerance
4.《世界中的孩子4:為什麼會有國際衝突?》Children in Our World: Global Conflict


  這套書提供了能與孩子一起討論國際議題的極佳機會。而對家庭和學校而言,也是一套極高價值的收藏。─《學校圖書館學報》(School Library Journal)

  With our 24/7 news cycle and constant access to the latest headlines, the world can be a scary place. Now imagine you're a child trying to make sense of it all! What does this news mean? How does it affect me? That's where Children in Our World can help. This beautifully illustrated non-fiction series takes a timely look at today's biggest issues and sensitively explains the crises that dominate the news in an appropriate way for young children. Each book uses relatable comparisons, carefully researched text, and striking illustrations to help kids understand the many difficulties that children just like them face in the world today. Poverty and Hunger discusses the questions "What is poverty and hunger? How do they affect people in countries all over the world?" It helps children begin to understand the way others struggle with these issues and learn about ways they can help. Where issues are not appropriate to describe in words, award-winning illustrator Hanane Kai uses a deft hand to create powerful illustrations that help children visualize the people impacted by poverty, hunger, war, racism, and more. All of the images are sensitively rendered and perfectly suited for younger children. These books are an excellent cross-curricular resource--use them to explore these important issues and tie them into discussions about food, wealth, compassion, empathy, and current affairs. (Ages 6--10)


  "One of the two new releases in B.E.S. Children in Our World Series--books for kids, aimed at tackling big, global and social issues--Poverty and Hunger helps answer the questions: What is poverty? What is hunger, and how does it affect people all around the world? Educate your kids without scaring them on the topic and give them the power to learn how to help."
  --Red Tricycle, redtri.com

  "The topics of poverty and hunger are treated with honesty and openness. The seriousness of the topic is conveyed in a delicate, yet truthful way, providing just enough information for this age group without getting bogged down in political or controversial aspects. The drawings in this book are beautiful, but utilize muted colors, highlighting the somber topic discussed. Doves are drawn on the end papers providing additional optimism. Highly recommended for public libraries and elementary school libraries."
  --Catholic Library World

  * Starred Review "Poverty affects a significant population of children, and this entry in the Children in our World series aims to explain the complicated topic in a kid-friendly way. Alongside gentle illustrations of a diverse array of children, the text explains not only how poverty and hunger can affect people but the wide array of circumstances, "which are often outside of people's control," than can lead to poverty, such as famine, natural disasters, war, global warming, low-paying jobs, and even systemic poverty. The simplified concepts, straightforward sentences, and illustrations make the tough concepts easy to bear, as does the second half of the book, which focuses on charities that feed the hungry, build hospitals and schools, care for refugees, and offer other assistance to people in need. The resources list includes fiction about children in poverty as well as charitable organizations aimed at helping children make a difference in the fight against poverty and hunger. This is a compassionate, lucid treatment of a sensitive topic that young readers will not only be perfectly equipped to understand, but they'll likely be moved to take action, too."

  "A powerful opportunity for discussion with youngsters and a worthwhile purchase for home and school collections."
  --School Library Journal



  Louise Spilsbury is a prolific children's book author. She has written about subjects that range from science and geography to world affairs, social issues, art, history, and literacy. Louise is married to author Richard Spilsbury and has two children. She lives and works in Devon, U.K.

  Hanane Kai is an award-winning illustrator who hopes to touch her audience with every illustration that she creates. In 2016, she won the prestigious Bologna Ragazzi New Horizons award for her work on the book Tongue Twisters.



  • ISBN:9781526300546
  • 規格:平裝 / 32頁 / 22 x 20.9 x 0.2 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:英國
  • 適讀年齡:5歲~8歲




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