The fourth edition of this book has been written to clean up some of the poorly worded text in the first three editions and to show important Bible verses rather than just refer to them. An effort has also been made to convert previously used first person speech with more formal third person speech. In looking at the first chapter of the epistle of James, this book considers authorship, the date that the epistle was written, and the basis for its acceptance into the biblical canon. With a strong focus on the Greek language, the goal has also been to perform good exegesis on the original text. Among the topics examined are enduring temptation, receiving a crown of life, living one’s faith every day, and recognizing pure and undefiled religion.
So James wrote the first part of his epistle to saints, who as brethren would face temptations over and over and who would sometimes fail to live up to the hope that was within them. But he had taught in verse five that a person can ask the Lord for wisdom to overcome his or her trials, tribulations, and tempting experiences. He had taught in verse twelve that a crown of life awaits those saints who endure temptation. In verses thirteen through fifteen, he had taught that a person’s own lustful nature often gives birth to the very sins that ensnare him or her. He had taught in verse eighteen that every saint of God is born of God and that His Word has been placed in him or her by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. All people will sometimes fail. But if a person has received Christ as savior, then he or she will have the continued help of the Comforter as a personal guide in this life. So as James would say, let each saint of God always practice the wise teachings of the scriptures and hold fast to his or her faith in Christ. In verse twenty-seven, he had concluded chapter one by encouraging the beloved brethren to have a watchful eye towards helping those around them in need and by doing their best to live right. Temptations come. But by the grace of God, each person can live for the Lord through all of them each and every day of his or her life. So to God be the glory for those great things that He has done in the hearts and lives of those who truly love Him. There is one note, however, to be made with respect to the organization of this text. Something that the reader of this text might find useful is boxes that show the different passages that are being referenced at the times and in the places where they are being referenced. That way, he or she will not have to jump all over the place or get into or out of the scriptures to locate a particular reference. Hopefully that inclusion will help the reader in trying to understand the various events and to also put them into the right context. So it is hoped that that will make this book easier to read and that the Lord will receive the praise, honor, and glory that He rightfully deserves.