Shaping National Security: International Emergency Mechanisms and Disaster Risk Reduction

Shaping National Security: International Emergency Mechanisms and Disaster Risk Reduction

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This book presents international emergency mechanisms relative to disaster risk reduction (DRR). The goal is to share knowledge about existing frameworks, and utilize established DRR policies and programs, as another means to reinforce and strengthen national security in countries around the world.



Maj. Pawel Gromek, DSc Eng. holds an M.S. in Fire Safety Engineering (Engineering Studies) from the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw, Poland, a PhD in Security Studies (Social Sciences) from the National Defense Academy in Warsaw, Poland, and a Doctorate of Science in Security Studies (Social Sciences) from The War Art Academy in Warsaw, Poland. He completed post-graduate studies in occupational safety and health at Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, and post-graduate studies in pedagogics for teachers at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Major Gromek is currently associate professor at the Main School of Fire Service, Warsaw, Poland, and senior officer of the State Fire Service of the Republic of Poland. He has researched and published in several areas of security including disaster risk reduction, crisis management, homeland security and infrastructure resilience.

Gen. Mariusz Feltynowski is a firefighter, a high-altitude rescuer, and a specialist in the field of rescue operations, especially in specialized search and rescue groups in response to actions after construction disasters and earthquakes. He has been an active participant in international rescue operations in response to crises and natural disasters, also within the framework of the United Nations. He is Rector-Commandant of the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw, Poland and is graduate of the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw and started his service in 1999 at the Department of International Cooperation of the General Headquarters of the State Fire Service. He commanded the activities of the Polish heavy search and rescue group in Haiti (2010) and Nepal. In 2014, he served as the Chairman of the Europe / Africa / Middle East Regional Group of the United Nations International Advisory Group on Search and Rescue (INSARAG).

Monika Wojakowska holds a PhD. in security studies (social sciences) from the Police Academy in Szczytno, Poland. She is a lecturer in The Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw, Poland. Her research and scientific interests include the safety management of local communities in the context of various types of threats, building social resilience of microsystems, individual safety in the context of internal security, and leadership in the safety of local communities.



  • ISBN:9781032515120
  • 規格:精裝 / 272頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【人文社科】馬可孛羅電子書全書系|單書85折、雙書82折|【天然讀立】不畏惡典,就讀經典









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