好萊塢巨星基努.李維與《紐約時報》暢銷作家麥特.金特(Matt Kindt)一起創作的漫畫作品《狂戰士BRZRKR》,邀請曾創作《金鋼狼》、《美國隊長》等漫威英雄的畫家羅恩.加尼(Ron Garney)繪製,主角是一名被詛咒的半神戰士B,他擁有不老不死之身與令人驚嘆的記憶及語言能力,在人間徘徊幾萬年後,為美國政府執行各種任務,換取關於自己身世的真相。現在,Netflix即將把這部超人氣漫畫改編成動畫與真人版電影,全都將由基努.李維配音與飾演!
本書收錄兩則單篇故事:在《Poetry of Madness》故事中,B因為一次偶遇,來到傳說中的水下城市亞特蘭提斯,這座城市正受到攻擊,B無意間成為保護者。儘管B取得勝利,但在這個國度裡卻有一位病態的君王,一個秘密邪教正藉機策劃陰謀,為這座傳奇之城帶來就算B也無法挽救的可怕結局。
而在《Dead Empire》故事中,一個被B剷除的王國只剩下一位倖存者。倖存者講述了一個故事,這個故事包含了失去的愛、操縱與帝國的戰爭,但這是寓言還是預言?倖存者隱瞞了什麼資訊?
"...a pair of self-contained stories set within the 80,000 year history of BRZRKR! In Poetry of Madness, a sea of gore and devastation awaits as B., through a fateful chance encounter, safeguards the advanced and ancient realm of Atlantis as its unstoppable protector. But a sickly monarch serves as a symbol for the rot inside, as the security and bliss created through B.’s violence is shallow...the cracks created by a secret cult might spell a monstrous end for the legendary city, one beyond even B.’s ability to save. In Dead Empire, a former kingdom eradicated by the BRZRKR has a single living survivor. She and her people knew B. as the God King. In this tragic story of death and cataclysm, the survivor recounts a fable in which lost love, manipulation, and warring empires brought out the very worst of Unute... but is the fable’s narrator reliable? What might the survivor be hiding? Collects BRZRKR: Poetry of Madness #1 and BRZRKR: Fallen Empire #1"--