暢銷繪本《鱷魚艾倫又大又可怕的牙齒》(Alan’s Big Scary Teeth)作者賈維斯(Jarvis),以柔和的色彩勾勒出四季變換的不同迷人風景,搭配優美的文字,描繪出小男孩和阿嬤之間的溫暖互動,和生活中微小的美好時刻。
I slide my hand into the crook of your arm, as you open your big brolly wide. We both can stay dry when the spring showers fall, if we dash through the drops, side by side...
As spring turns to summer, and autumn turns to winter, we follow a little boy and his grandmother as they take delight in everything the changing seasons have to offer – from jumping in puddles, to tasting sweet ice lollies, to nestling under blankets on a cold, snowy night. But no matter the weather, whatever they do, their joy is in being together, in the small – but momentous – adventures that they share.
With vivid illustrations and read-aloud words, this is a tender celebration of grandparent love from the duo behind the bestselling and acclaimed Pick a Pine Tree and Pick a Pumpkin.