查理布朗來了!Peanuts漫畫立體書 Here Comes Charlie Brown! a Peanuts Pop-Up

查理布朗來了!Peanuts漫畫立體書 Here Comes Charlie Brown! a Peanuts Pop-Up

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  如果你是個漫畫迷,而且你擁有一艘時光飛船,那麼你一定會想回到1950年10月2日那一天,正是這一天,查爾斯.舒茲(Charles M. Schulz)開始創作其知名的Peanuts漫畫,向世人介紹史奴比、查理布朗、莎莉、露西等幾位多采多姿的小學生角色!這部漫畫,不但是史上首部多角色系列漫畫,也是個豐富的藝術集:作者總是在四格漫畫中,透過充滿哲理的對話與藝術,向讀者傳遞跨世代的智慧。
  現在,漫畫史學家Gene Kannenberg以全新的角度重新審視這部經典漫畫,推出立體書版本。這是一本立體漫畫集,在書中可以看到史上第一次登場的查理布朗——他和我們現在認識的查理布朗略有不同,頭型較寬、眼睛也不太一樣,但不變的是一個大大的招牌笑容。Gene Kannenberg放大漫畫並為其著色,同時使用剪裁與摺紙的方式進行立體處理,製作成彈出式圖畫,向經典致敬。

Charlie Brown comes to life like never before in this giftable pop-up book featuring the first-ever Peanuts comic strip in Here Comes Charlie Brown!

Charles M. Schulz introduced readers to "Good Ol’ Charlie Brown" on October 2, 1950, with the publication of the very first Peanuts comic strip--considered the most iconic comic of all time. It is also a perfect haiku of art, text, and paranoia, with a variation of the Browning sonnet "How Do I Love Thee?" thrown in for literary measure. Everything that is great about Schulz and Peanuts is established right out of the gate in these four perfect panels, which have influenced every comic strip that has followed.

With this innovative, palm-sized pop-up book, cartoonist and comics historian Gene Kannenberg Jr. brings that very first comic strip to life for a whole new generation, as well as for longtime fans of the classic and beloved brand.



Charles M. Schulz (1922-2000) was the legendary cartoonist and creator of the iconic comic strip Peanuts. A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) and It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966) are two of the most successful animated television specials of all time, winning multiple Emmy and Peabody Awards. His archives are located at the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California. Gene Kannenberg Jr. earned his PhD at the University of Connecticut with a dissertation on text and image in American comics. He is an occasional adjunct professor in art and art history at Columbia College in Chicago, and is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Comic Art. Previously he was chair of the International Comic Arts Festival. Kannenberg has published numerous articles on comics art, including an essay in The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life. Kannenberg creates abstract comics with asemic text, some of which were exhibited at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. He lives in Evanston, Illinois, where he works at Northwestern University Libraries. Chip Kidd is a graphic designer and writer and editor at large for Pantheon. A three-time Eisner Award winner, he has written and designed more than a dozen books on comics, including Only What’s Necessary: Charles M. Schulz and the Art of Peanuts.



  • ISBN:9781419757785
  • 規格:精裝 / 12頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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