The allegory of the cave is an infamous philosophical story that was created by the Greek philosopher, Plato (Heidegger & Sadler, 2002). The allegory of the cave is a narrative consisting of human condition, truth, and education on various topics within our culture (Huard, 2007).The philosophical meaning of the cave was created as a way for individuals to expand their own worldview and open up their reality into complex levels of awareness and knowledge (Papastephanou et al., 2020). The mythical narrative of the cave includes symbolic concepts such as the cave itself, the shadows, the game, the escape, and the return (Heidegger & Sadler,2002; Huard, 2007; Peterson, 2017). Imagine a cave and in that cave, there are three prisoners who have been in the cave the entirety of their lives and never left. The prisoners are tied to rocks from head to toe and only have the capability to see in front of them. Behind the prisoners is the cave opening and a fire