歡迎來到這個神奇的博物館!在這裡,你可以探索不同藝術家眼中「馬」的藝術形象,包括畢卡索、以馬畫聞名的喬治.史塔布斯(George Stubbs)、19世紀知名動物畫家羅莎.邦賀(Rosa Bonheur)、美國著名雕塑家考爾德(Alexander Calder)、非裔美國畫家雅各布.勞倫斯(Jacob Lawrence)、以金屬馬雕塑聞名的美國雕塑家黛博拉.巴特菲爾德(Deborah Butterfield)、20世紀最偉大畫家之一法蘭茲.馬克(Franz Marc)、以滴畫知名的美國畫家傑克遜.波洛克(Jackson Pollock),以及其他許多藝術家的全彩作品,而且作品都以馬作為主角,其中甚至還有歷史上的馬,例如魏朝的馬雕塑!
將蘇斯博士的素描當作靈感來源,備受讚譽的插畫家安德魯.喬伊(Andrew Joyner)以蘇斯博士作品中的經典角色,如戴帽子的貓(The Cat in the Hat)、鬼靈精(the Grinch)與大象荷頓(Horton the Elephant),帶領讀者探索這個神奇博物館,使整本書變成了一個俏皮有趣的繪本創作,不但讓蘇斯博士的粉絲為之著迷,也帶給喜愛藝術的讀者全新的美感體驗。(文/博客來編譯)
Your tour guide will show you how different artists can look at one thing - like a horse - and have totally different visions. These different visions create ART. And this is a book that canters through the whole of art history, explaining the puzzling and imaginative thing we call 'art'.
With reproductions of over thirty iconic pieces of artwork - from Pablo Picasso to Edouard Manet, René Magritte, Susan Rothenberg, Jackson Pollock, and many more. This is an exhibition you won't want to miss!
Based on a newly-discovered manuscript and sketches from Dr. Seuss, and brought to life by acclaimed illustrator Andrew Joyner, this is a thoroughly Seussian exploration of 'art'.
With cameo appearances from beloved Dr. Seuss characters, such as the Cat in the Hat, this playful picture book is totally unique. Ideal for home or classroom use, this book will inspire Seuss fans, artists, and horse lovers - of all ages.
Excellent for a first visit to an art museum and as jumping-off point for young artists seeking creative style. Few names are as recognizable in picture books as Dr. Seuss, and this posthumous offering will have many eager readers. -- Lolly Gepson ― Booklist