面對身心障礙者時,一般大眾常不知該如何與他們相處,繼What Happened to You?後,作繪者再度聯手,持續為身心障礙的孩童發聲。透過故事換位思考,讓小讀者更能體會特殊兒童的心情,理解身心障礙者需要的不是同情而是同理心,引導孩子能以更包容的心與具備不同特質的人相處。
When people meet Joe, they often treat him as Amazing Joe or Poor Joe. But can’t he just be . . . Joe?
One-legged Joe is ‘amazing’. He knows this because wherever he goes people always tell him he’s amazing. Amazing for sliding down the slide, for kicking a ball . . . even walking to get an ice cream, or even just eating an ice cream. Of course, being Amazing Joe is better than being Poor Joe . . .
A groundbreaking picture book which explores how we respond to disability.