Peptide Therapeutics: Fundamentals of Design, Development, and Delivery

Peptide Therapeutics: Fundamentals of Design, Development, and Delivery

  • 編者: Jois, Seetharama D.
  • 原文出版社:Springer
  • 出版日期:2023/09/28
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:6599

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This book explains how peptide-based drug design works, what steps are needed to develop a peptide-based therapeutic, and challenges in synthesis as well as regulatory issues. It covers the design concept of peptide therapeutics from fundamental principles using structural biology and computational approaches. The chapters are arranged in a linear fashion. A fresh graduate or a scientist who works on small molecules can use this to follow the design and development of peptide therapeutics to use as understanding the basic concepts. Each chapter is written by experts from academia as well as industry. Rather than covering extensive literature, the book provides concepts of design, synthesis, delivery, as well as regulatory affairs and manufacturing of peptides in a systematic way with examples in each case. The book can be used as a reference for a pharmaceutical or biomedical scientist or graduate student who wants to pursue their career in peptide therapeutics. Some chapterswill be written as a combination of basic principles and protocol so that scientists can adopt these methods to their research work. The examples provided can be used to perform peptide formulation considerations for the designed peptides. The book has nine chapters, and each chapter can be read as an independent unit on a particular concept.



Dr. Seetharama D. Jois is a professor of Medicinal Chemistry in the School of Basic Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Louisiana at Monroe, USA. Before joining the University of Louisiana at Monroe in 2006, he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacy at the National University of Singapore for six years. Dr. Jois obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1994 from the Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India, and a Master’s degree in Physics from the University of Mysore India. After his Ph.D. degree, Dr. Jois obtained extensive training in Pharmaceutical Chemistry research at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS. During the past 20 years, he has established research in a unique area of drug design discovery, namely protein-protein interaction and drug design. He has secured funding from NIH and state agencies for his research. He has published more than 100 publications and has 3 US patent applications. Jois has edited a book Drug Design and Discovery-Methods and Protocols (Humana Press 2011), and special issues of journal series including Current Pharmaceutical Design-Adhesion molecules and drug targeting (2006, Bentham Science Publisher LTD), Current Pharmaceutical Design-Biomaterial (2008 Bentham Science Publisher LTD). He has 20 years of teaching experience in Pharmacy schools and has published his innovative method of teaching in the American Journal of Pharmacy Education (2010, 74 (8): 147).



  • ISBN:9783031045462
  • 規格:平裝 / 317頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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