★ 是臉?還是屁股?快來領教動物神奇的偽裝技巧
★ 最有趣的科學知識書,邊玩邊學不知道的動物小常識!
你能分清楚動物的臉或屁股嗎?別以為這是個簡單的問題,《Butt or Face?》要向你下戰帖!仔細觀察每一張特寫照片,會發現臉、屁股難辨的動物,各個身懷生存絕技,包括適應特別棲地以及偽裝技巧。例如庫亞巴侏儒蛙背部就像長了一對眼睛、隱龜會用屁股呼吸、星鼻鼴濕潤的鼻子看起來很像屁股、還有歐卡皮鹿長得像斑馬,但其實牠們是長頸鹿的親戚!
迷人的照片,搭配鮮豔的色彩,《Butt or Face?》讓孩子發現在動物世界裡,許多特徵都有防禦攻擊的效果。學齡前跟低年級的孩子可以將這本書當成遊戲書,跟爸媽一問一答。高年級的孩子則可透過一頁又一頁的精彩解說,享受獨立閱讀知識書的樂趣。
'"The silly, simple premise is carried out splendidly; younger readers will be entranced by fascinating photos, bright colors, and googly eyes galore, while older readers will appreciate fast-fact boxes, clear explanations, and endless animal puns."--Booklist, STARRED Review
Can YOU tell a butt from a face? Discover fascinating facts about animals with this hilarious guessing game picture book!
Butt or Face offers kids a delightfully cheeky challenge: examine a close-up photo of an animal, and then guess whether you’re looking at the top or the...um...bottom. The answer is revealed on the next page with a compete photo of the animal! Also included are factual animal details along with how these animals use camouflage or other trickery to engage with their home. Readers will discover animals like the Cuyaba dwarf frog whose backside looks like a pair of eyes, the Mary River turtle that breathes through its butt, and many more!
Butt or Face? is perfect for parents and teachers looking for:
Books for kids ages 4-8
Animal fact books for kids
Animal anatomy game books
Interactive physiology books for kids
Humorous nonfiction books for kids