孩子吵著要買玩具、零食,爸媽不給買就上演大哭大鬧的戲碼,就如同故事中可愛小蝙蝠帕斯卡麗娜任性的模樣,真實感的親子互動讓人會心一笑。帕斯卡麗娜也曾出現在以第一次上學的緊張焦慮為主題,作者的前作《永遠都不要!》(Never, Not Ever!)中。碧翠絲.阿雷馬娜以帶有想像力的幽默情節,對孩童的心理精準描繪。
碧翠絲.阿雷馬娜(Beatrice Alemagna)曾獲紐約時報最佳童書、義大利安徒生獎等多項國際級獎項,知名作品包括《巴黎的獅子》(A Lion in Paris)、《神奇的胖胖-蓬蓬-小小》(The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty)、《無所事事的美好一天》(On A Magical Do-Nothing Day)等。
A new title featuring Pascaline, the delightful creation of award-winning picture book maker Beatrice Alemagna, and star of Never, Not Ever!
Pascaline the little pink bat loves to go shopping! There are so many amazing things for sale, if only her mother would buy them for her. But one day, Pascaline gets so overexcited that something very strange happens – and gives her a whole new view of what the best thing ever REALLY is.