The Cardiovascular System During Exercise and Recovery

The Cardiovascular System During Exercise and Recovery

  • 定價:9599

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This book highlights circulatory dynamics and cardiovascular control during exercise and post-exercise and recovery. Composed of seven chapters, it begins with an introduction to the enhanced recovery of heart rate to its pre-exercise resting level by light exercise, compared with heart rate during complete-rest recovery. The second chapter deals with similar time courses of mean blood pressure during recovery from exercise in an upright and a supine position. The recovery of a slowly decreasing heart rate after exercise is shown in the third chapter and facilitated by cool-down exercise. Chapter four addresses that a biphasic change in heart rate at the onset of light exercise, occurs from rest in upright, but not in a supine posture. The book then highlights postexercise regulation of the cardiovascular system between inactive and active recovery from moderate cycle exercise in an upright and a supine position in the fifth chapter. Chapter six demonstrates the differences in bloodflow velocity in the femoral artery measured by Doppler ultrasound velocimetry between inactive, passive, and active recovery. The book finally presents the Doppler measurement of blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery at rest and during cycle exercise and compares measurements between men and women. This publication aims for a broad audience that includes medical students and residents, graduate students in the medical sciences, kinesiology, biomedical engineering, and sports medicine, specialists in aerospace medicine and gravitational physiology, cardiologists, and any physician or medical professional with an interest in human cardiovascular function.



Tatsuhisa Takahashi, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematical Information Science, Asahikawa Medical University

Dr. Tatsuhisa Takahashi obtained a PhD in the Department of Bioengineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan 1993. After receiving the ESM Travel Award from the European Society for Microcirculation in 1992, he started as an assistant professor at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (renamed the Department of Bio-system Engineering in 2000) of Yamagata University in 1993. He moved to the Department of Mathematical Information Science of Asahikawa Medical University as an associate professor in 2002 and became a professor in 2021. He specializes in microcirculation, cardiorespiratory physiology during exercise, and visual cognitive science.



  • ISBN:9789819984855
  • 規格:精裝 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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