Human Barrier Design and Lifecycle: A Cognitive Ergonomics Approach and Path Forward

Human Barrier Design and Lifecycle: A Cognitive Ergonomics Approach and Path Forward

  • 作者: Shephard, Tom
  • 原文出版社:CRC Press
  • 出版日期:2024/05/10
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:8525

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A common source of failure in a human-dependent barrier or safety critical task is a designed-in mismatch error. The mismatch is a cognitive demand that exceeds the human capability to reliably and promptly respond to that demand given the plausible situations at that moment. Demand situations often include incomplete information, increased time pressures, and challenging environments. This book presents innovative solutions to reveal, prevent, and mitigate these and many other cognitive-type errors in barriers and safety critical tasks. The comprehensive model and methodologies also provide insight into where and to what extent these barriers and task types may be significantly underspecified and the potential consequences.

This title presents a new and comprehensive prototype design and lifecycle model specific to human-dependent barriers and safety critical tasks. Designed to supplement current practice, the model is fully underpinned by cognitive ergonomics and cognitive science. The book also presents a compelling case for why a new global consensus standard specific to human-dependent barriers is needed. Taking a novel approach, it presents its suggested basis, framing, and content. Both solutions seek to redress deficiencies in global regulations, standards, and practice. The model is guided by industry recommendations and best practice guidance and solutions from globally recognized experts. Its processes are fully explained and supported by examples, analysis, and well-researched background materials. Real-life case studies from offshore oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, transmission pipelines, and product storage provide further insight into how overt and latent design errors contributed to barrier degradation and failure and the consequence of those errors.

An essential and fascinating read for professionals, Human Barrier Design and Lifecycle: A Cognitive Ergonomics Approach and Path Forward will appeal to those in the fields of human factors, process and technical safety, functional safety, display and safety system design, risk management, facility engineering, and facility operations and maintenance.

Chapters 1 and 8 of this book are freely available as downloadable Open Access PDFs at http: // under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BYNC-ND) 4.0 International license.



Tom Shephard has 42 years of experience in global operating, engineering design and consulting companies in the hydrocarbon and related technology industries. Tom designed and delivered safety solutions and studies to world-class global projects in O&G, refining, petrochemicals, pipelines. Early roles included corporate technology and project leadership, functional safety, HMI and safety system design and delivery, and technology and project consulting. Roles also included developing new corporate and project technology standards, applications, and project execution methods. Over the last 20 years those roles included process safety, safety and reliability studies, and department management for a world-class technical safety department. Tom’s efforts to integrate cognitive ergonomics and cognition science into human barrier design began with the Deepwater Horizon accident. He brings a seasoned practitioner’s mindset, persistence, passion, and an atypical range of multi-discipline competencies to that effort.



  • ISBN:9781032655949
  • 規格:精裝 / 496頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:英國




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