★ 掃QR Code可聆聽故事音檔
★ 翻開車廂機關,尋找有趣的數字跟動物
英國知名童書出版社Nosy Crow,繼手風琴摺頁書《Alphabet Street》、《Christmas Street》大受歡迎,推出第三本超可愛的火車數字書。小朋友一起來找找:誰在化妝室梳妝打扮?誰很有秩序的排隊呢?
本書特別邀請到知名設計師Ingela P Arrhenius創作插畫,作家Jonathan Emmett撰寫韻文。小朋友邊聽故事、邊玩機關,在遊戲中輕鬆認識英文數字跟單字!
•All aboard this counting concertina book with six spinning wheels!
•Learn the numbers from one to ten, lift the flaps, enjoy the playful text and scenes inside each carriage and, then, flip the book to play the fun counting game on the reverse.
•Flip the book to play the fun counting game on the reverse. Then push the train-shaped book along on its six moving wheels!