設計精美的色彩概念藝術書,由曾獲美國凱迪克大獎的知名童書創作者艾隆.貝克(Aaron Becker)延續You Are Light系列的設計,透過特殊鏤空的書頁,光影映照展現如珠寶般斑斕絢麗的色彩,捕捉冬季特有的季節之美。從天空色彩、日照長短的變化、壁爐和燭光帶來的光亮,到對即將到來的春季的渴望,感受大自然和季節的細微變化,顏色和光影之間相互疊合、漸層的豐富變化,展現迷人魅力。
With an eye to holiday rituals and nature’s rebirth, New York Times best-selling creator Aaron Becker offers a luminous die-cut companion to You Are Light, My Favorite Color, and One Sky.
Hush, now. Be still.
It’s time for winter light.
Come winter, the days grow short. Sunlight filters through bare branches as ice crystals cover the meadow. In this quiet time, we turn to warmth and light, to family rituals and traditions. With jewellike die-cuts revealing the colors of the season against soft painterly backgrounds, Caldecott Honoree Aaron Becker captures the light of winter skies and lengthening days, the glow of candle and hearth, and the heart’s yearning for spring’s return.