今天要來畫什麼呢?先來隻藍色的樹蛙吧,再來棵綠色的樹,讓樹蛙可以爬到樹上遠眺。乘坐紅色熱氣球的紅衣女孩,邀請樹蛙加入旅行。乘著渴望冒險的翅膀,大膽揮灑繽紛的色彩,藍、綠、黃、紅、白、黑、紫,各種顏色一一登場,展露它們獨特的色彩魅力。由英國知名童書作者茱莉亞.唐納森(Julia Donladson)撰寫的韻文故事,讀起來活潑而充滿節奏感,與精緻的插畫巧妙搭配。色彩在生活中無所不在,從不同角度認識、感受色彩,欣賞顏色間的不同組合,或是拿起畫筆自由揮灑,讓這本色彩美學繪本,豐富我們對色彩之美的體驗。
茱莉亞.唐納森的代表作品包括《古飛樂》(The Gruffalo) 、《古小樂》(The Gruffalo's Child)等,在全球熱銷2500萬本,更獲BBC獲選為讀者最愛床邊故事。Sharon King-Chai來自澳洲,是位優秀的設計師及插畫家。Colours, Colours Everywhere為兩人合作的第三本作品,系列前作 Animalphabet 和 Counting Creatures分別以字母和數字為主題,精緻質感廣獲讀者好評,兼具創意與設計美學,成為許多家庭書架上的精美收藏。(文/博客來外文館)
A stunning book about colours full of gorgeous, breathtaking landscapes, with amazing flaps to lift and holes to peep through. From Julia Donaldson, bestselling author of The Gruffalo, and Sharon King-Chai, who together created the award-winning Animalphabet and Counting Creatures.
Follow a little girl as she paints her own adventure with her bright blue tree frog companion. With luscious green trees to climb and red hot air balloons to sail away in, children will delight in the rhyming text and vibrant artwork while learning about different colours. A truly beautiful gift, Colours, Colours Everywhere is an absolute must for the family bookshelf.