★ 有趣、押韻的文字,如歌謠般唱出書中文句
★ 可愛的故事,學會各種骨頭的說法
《Give Me Back My Bones!》繪者以漆黑的海底為底,再用充滿各種顏色的海底生物和植物提供色彩繽紛的背景,搭配上每頁四行的押韻文句,讓讀者有趣到笑出聲來。押韻的文字、可愛的節奏,還有滑稽的骷髏試圖把自己拼起來,孩子將透過超級有創意的單字組合,不知不覺學會解剖學和骨頭的專有名詞。
A pirate skeleton seeks to put its bones back together in this rhyming first book of anatomy!
Cast a spyglass ’round here, while breakers curl and pound here. There’s treasure to be found here – I feel it in my bones!
A stormy night at sea has uncovered some long-buried secrets and surprises. Is that the mast of a shipwreck? A faded pirate hat? And what’s that hiding in the sand? A mandible and a clavicle, phalanges and femurs, a tibia and a fibula – could there be a complete set of bones scattered across the ocean floor? And who might they belong to?
A jaunty rhyme takes readers on an underwater scavenger hunt as a comical skeleton tries to put itself back together piece by piece. Make no bones about it – this rollicking read-aloud will have young ones learning anatomy without even realizing.