Where to Hide a Star

Where to Hide a Star

  • 定價:874
  • 優惠價:369
  • 優惠期限:2024年12月31日止
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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奧利佛.傑法(Oliver Jeffers
療癒系經典The Boys系列
  經典作品How to Catch a Star是知名創作者奧利佛.傑法(Oliver Jeffers)的出道作,出版二十年後,他獻上驚喜新作Where to Hide a Star。系列中讓人懷念的經典角色小男孩、星星、小企鵝、火星人一一登場,不只讓粉絲重溫「男孩成長經驗」(The Boys)系列的療癒感動,更以新角色再創美好。
  奧利佛.傑法坦承自己是傾向不回頭看的類型,當一本書出版,他通常已經在進行下個計畫。他曾說不打算再創作How to Catch a Star系列的續集,除非對的靈感來臨,而過了二十年後,這個時刻終於來臨。奧利佛.傑法談到:「我幾乎忘了當時畫小男孩和企鵝的感覺,可是當我拿起畫筆,那熟悉的色彩和筆觸,感覺很快就回來了,就好像這些是我遺失的自我的一部份,就好像這是和失散已久的家人的重逢。能把熟悉的世界延續到新領域,感覺令人興奮,這讓我回想起二十年前創作How to Catch a Star的時候,我希望把這種興奮的心情和新一代的孩子分享。」  
  奧利佛.傑法的作品在全世界熱銷超過1500萬冊,被翻譯成近50種語言,代表作包括《Here We Are: 歡迎來到這個美麗的星球》、《蠟筆大罷工》(The Day the Crayons Quit)、《書之子》(A Child of Books)等。 
「男孩成長經驗」(The Boys)系列包括:
1. How to Catch a Star
2. Lost and Found
3. The Way Back Home
4. Up and Down

World-renowned artist and picture book creator Oliver Jeffers brings to life an endearing story about the magic of friendship--and sharing what brings us joy.

Celebrate twenty years of The Boy in this highly anticipated new adventure from the internationally bestselling picture book creator of Lost and Found, Oliver Jeffers!

Once there was a boy who would often play hide-and-seek with his friends the star and the penguin. The star was always easy to find, but one day it went missing. So, the boy radioed the Martian for help, and soon found himself on an exciting spaceship rescue mission to the North Pole! But there, he discovered that he wasn’t the only one who had always dreamed of having a star as a friend . . .

The out-of-this-world, long-awaited sequel to the much-loved Boy stories, loved all around the world--now introducing a brand-new character!



Oliver Jeffers is a visual artist and author working in painting, bookmaking, illustration, collage, performance and sculpture. His engagements and practice are truly international in scope. His critically acclaimed picture books have been the recipients of numerous awards, including a New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Books Award, TIME Best Book of the Year, Bologna Ragazzi Award, an Irish Book Award, a United Kingdom Literary Association Award and two Emmy Awards for the Apple TV adaptation of Here We Are: Notes For Living on Planet Earth. He has exhibited at institutions such as the Brooklyn Museum in New York, the National Portrait Gallery in London, and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. Jeffers work is currently featured in the new long-term exhibition "Building Stories" at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. He also recently received a Member of the Order of the British Empire Award (MBE) for his Services in Art.



  • ISBN:9780593622247
  • 規格:精裝 / 48頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:4歲~8歲




  • 【繪本美術館】玩出好設計 X 收藏級美學,暢銷精選 3 書 5 折









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