★英國超人氣忙碌小熊Bizzy Bear與你一起玩出學習力
英國超夯人氣偶像忙碌小熊Bizzy Bear出奇招,爸爸媽媽和小朋友,能通過這場別出心裁的記憶力大挑戰嗎?快來和Bizzy Bear一起,邊玩耍邊學習!
這本大開本遊戲書,帶孩子和Bizzy Bear一起穿梭四個場景歡慶聖誕節:溜冰場、北極、乘坐聖誕老人的雪橇以及在平安夜送禮物!3種記憶遊戲,讓孩子在遊戲的過程中培養觀察力,提升記憶力並建立單字詞彙。
(1)Hide and seek:透過觀察,請孩子看看是否能在左頁主畫面,尋找到躲在滑板下的動物
(3)Search and Find:觀察左頁主畫面,根據指令尋找特定動物
硬頁board book開本,適合小手反覆操作、鍛鍊大腦,提升記憶力與英文力。
Play and learn with Bizzy Bear!
With four fun scenes, three memory games and lots of festive details to spot, this busy book is designed to improve memory, build vocabulary, and promote book-confidence. And with no messy cards to tidy up afterwards, parents will love it too!
Celebrate Christmas with Bizzy Bear in four settings – at the ice rink, in the North Pole, flying in Santa’s sleigh and delivering presents on Christmas Eve!
Collect the other books in the Bizzy Bear Memory Game series: Animals and Things That Go