This luxurious hardback edition presents the classic ancient text, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, featuring gold gilded page edges and patterned endpapers.
Mysterious, powerful and moving, The Egyptian Book of the Dead is one of the oldest and most influential texts in all history. It is made up of a combination of prayers, spells and speeches that the ancient Egyptians buried with their dead, intended to aid the deceased on their ’journey’ into the afterlife.
This edition contains images from the exquisite Book of the Dead of Ani - an ancient Egyptian scribe - in its entirety. Meticulously inscribed with hieroglyphics and illustrations of the rituals of the afterlife, the papyrus is shown alongside the translation by acclaimed Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge.
This volume is beautifully presented with
gilded page edges,
ivory paper, and
patterned endpapers, making a wonderful collectible for any enthusiast.
Arcturus Gilded Classics series presents luxury gift editions of classics works, printed on opulent ivory paper, featuring hardcover Wibilin binding, foil-embossed cover designs, beautifully designed end-papers and gilded page edges. These make perfect collectibles for lovers of classic literature.