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《Step Inside Science: Dinosaurs》這本以恐龍為主題的翻翻科普書,內容鉅細彌遺介紹所有你想知道關於恐龍的一切,除了恐龍小知識,還有科學家工作內容:他們如何尋找恐龍的骨頭?又是如何在博物館裡製作恐龍的展覽品?這本書還會教你如何在生活中發現關於恐龍的蛛絲馬跡。
家有恐龍迷嗎?快打開《Step Inside Science: Dinosaurs》,發現滿滿驚喜!
Find out all about the fascinating science of Dinosaurs in this fun and friendly book. Discover how we know so much about different dinosaurs - from what they look like to what they smelled like and even what their poos looked like. Learn how scientists find their bones, how they create dinosaur exhibits in museums, and how YOU can spot dinosaur clues, too.