朱莉·史密斯博士的前一部暢銷作《Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?》,帶領讀者透過回顧過往經驗,找到增進心理健康的方法,但倘若你正遭遇挫折,面對當下強烈的負面情緒,又該怎麼辦?
本書延續《Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?》中的觀點,分享了經過研究驗證的概念和有效技巧,幫助我們在最脆弱的時刻面對挑戰。當你面臨以下狀況,都能在書中找到朱莉博士寫給你的一封短信,以及對當下困境的分析、應對挑戰的方法:
- 與自己相處的難題:面對孤獨、內在批評,以及冒牌者症候群。
- 與他人相處的難題:面對背叛,並知道當你(或你的父母)犯錯時該怎麼辦。
- 與情緒相處的難題:應對孤獨、恐懼和絕望。
- 過往創傷造成的難題:擺脫創傷反應,學會停止反覆回顧過去。
- 未來挑戰帶來的難題:避免重蹈覆轍,應對不確定性,並尋找屬於自己的路。
Clinical psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Julie Smith (@drjulie) returns with this highly anticipated handbook full of "break in case of emergency" advice for dealing with mental health challenges in the moment they occur.
In this essential guide, Dr. Julie teaches her millions of readers and clients how to navigate life’s toughest occurrences while they’re happening, rather than moments or years after the fact. What if we can learn to harness our emotions and stay present so we can process and choose how to respond to a situation?
Picking up where Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? leaves off, Dr. Julie shares the research-backed concepts and powerful skills we can use to weather our most vulnerable moments. Learn how to move through any situation with grace, including:
- When it’s hard to be with yourself: facing vulnerability alone, dealing with your inner critic, and handling imposter syndrome.When it’s hard to be with other people: dealing with betrayal and knowing what to do when you (or your parents) got it wrong.When it’s hard to be with your feelings: coping with loneliness, fear, and hopelessnessWhen you’re healing from the past: getting out of a trauma response and learning how to stop ruminating about old events.When you’re looking to the future: preventing making the same mistakes, tackling uncertainty, and finding your path.
Open When teaches each of us to find and listen to the positive voice within when we need it most, and to care for our future selves and our mental health.