How to Influence Anyone, Anywhere, Every Time: The Art and Science of Communication at Work

How to Influence Anyone, Anywhere, Every Time: The Art and Science of Communication at Work

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We communicate all the time. But do we have impact? Do we influence?

When you speak, do people lean in? When they hear you, do others feel impressed, challenged, motivated or inspired? Through tested frameworks and instantly applicable techniques, How to Influence Anyone, Anywhere, Every Time shows you how to use your words and your body language to engage and persuade. With this handbook, you’ll learn crucial communication skills for delivering with impact in any professional setting -- be it in the boardroom, your next sales meeting or interpersonal interactions. Master how to deliver your message with conviction, confidence and clarity.

Globally renowned speaking coaches Colin James and Erica Bagshaw share their proven methodology for wielding influence in any and every context. In How to Influence Anyone, Anywhere, Every Time, they show you how to systematically get and hold people’s attention -- and use your influence to achieve positive results in your organisation or business. Whether you’re working face-to-face, you need to create presence online, or you’re crafting a written message, you’ll discover the tips you need.

Communicate more effectively with a tried-and-trusted process for success, using the 3 Ds:

  • Diagnose Who is your audience, what is the context and what is your desired outcome?
  • Design Get the magic 12 steps that make it easy to tailor your next communication to better engage and influence your audience.
  • Deliver Don’t know what to do with your hands? Learn how to master body language, your voice, visual aids and even your energy for a delivery that will captivate, inspire and persuade even the toughest audience.

How to Influence Anyone, Anywhere, Every Time
is a must-have resource for anyone who needs to present their ideas, gain trust and bring about real change.



COLIN JAMES is a leadership educator, coach and speaker with over 35 years’ experience. In 2020, he was the recipient of the Australian Keynote Speaker of the Year award from the Australian Speakers Association.

ERICA BAGSHAW is co-founder and CEO of The Colin James Method(R). A globally recognised Executive Coach and Lead Designer of programs, Erica works with large organisations and SMEs on transforming capability in adaptive leadership, communication and resilience.



  • ISBN:9781394248643
  • 規格:平裝 / 320頁 / 2.29 x 1.52 x 0.15 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【醫療保健】高寶電子書全書系:我的人生主場秀!單書85折、三書79折,指定套書79折起









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