從2005到2021年的16年間,安格拉·梅克爾(Angela Merkel)擔任德國總理,帶領國家渡過無數次危機,她的行動與態度,牽動國家、社會和國際政治。她是如何躋身男性為主的基督教民主黨(CDU)領導層,並成為德國首位女性總理?在這本回憶錄中,梅克爾回顧了兩個主要的人生階段:前35年生活在東德,而接續的35年,則是在統一後的德國。
The New York Times and USA Today bestseller
For sixteen years, Angela Merkel was Chancellor of Germany and at the forefront of European and international politics. In her memoir, she looks back on her life in two German states--East Germany until 1990, and reunified Germany thereafter. How did she, coming from the East, rise to the top of the Christian Democratic Union to become the first woman to hold the office of chancellor? And how did she then become one of the most powerful heads of government in the Western world? What guided her?