最後決戰即將展開,是時候與遊戲大師列蒙切洛(Mr. Lemoncello)進行最後一次挑戰。一切看起來都很危險重重,列蒙切洛先生邀請13位幸運的13歲青少年,包括列蒙切洛先生最死忠的粉絲Kyle Keeley一起參加最終的遊戲競賽,而遊戲的勝利者將成為列蒙切洛遊戲王國的新主人!沒想到卻有人試圖摧毀列蒙切洛王國,這個充滿想像力、遊戲、書籍與知識的神奇王國,會招來什麼樣的厄運?Kyle Keeley能成功阻止惡棍毀掉這一切,並讓自己美夢成真嗎?
《紐約時報》暢銷書Mr. Lemoncello's Library系列最終回,密碼、線索、冒險、神秘⋯⋯燒腦的史詩級冒險,再次激發出你的閱讀熱情,喜歡推理的孩子千萬別錯過!
Mr. Lemoncello's Library 於2013年出版即席捲童書市場,獲得美國國內推理小說知名大獎《安東尼獎》以及無數大小獎項,不只知名作者詹姆斯.派特森(James Patterson)讚嘆其為「全世界最酷的圖書館」,更獲美國《書單雜誌》譽為羅德.達爾《巧克力冒險工廠》的傳人。之後作者Chris Grabenstein陸續出版系列作品,以解謎、冒險、懸疑為主題貫穿故事,本本暢銷。
Do you have what it takes to be the new owner of Mr. Lemoncello's epic gaming empire? Find out in this fantabulous finale to the beloved, New York Times Bestselling Mr. Lemoncello's Library series!
Mr. Lemoncello's ENTIRE game-making empire is up for grabs!
It's time for one last fantabulous challenge with Mr. Lemoncello-the world's most famous gamemaker! This time everything is on the line--literally! Mr. Lemoncello has invited thirteen lucky 13 year-olds--including his biggest fan, Kyle Keeley-- to compete in the final games. The winner of these games will become the new owner of Mr. Lemoncello's ENTIRE GAME MAKING EMPIRE!!! But uh-oh--someone is trying to destroy Mr. Lemoncello empire and all it stands for: imagination, games, books . . . knowledge! Can Kyle Keeley stop them and make his dreams come true?
Get ready for a whirlwind adventure that takes us from the lions of the New York Public Library to the Choose Your Own Thrill-Venture Roller Coaster inside the brand-new Lemoncelloland amusement park, filled with codes and clues, adventure and mystery, and surprise cameos from across Chris Grabenstein's many series. So sit back, relax and prepare to have your imagination take flight...you are on your way to Lemoncelloland!