惡棍Velma Vixen打算推出一款名叫Phantastic Plastic的環保產品,但超級貴賓犬Superpoodle卻發出質疑:這個產品真的環保嗎?他必須運用超能力來拆穿這個騙局。不過一路上Superpoodle 將會面對許多難解的謎題與陷阱,包括迷宮、解鎖謎題等等燒腦難題,Superpoodle 需要你的大力協助!
熱鬧且充滿謎題的冒險之旅,搭配上色彩繽紛的插畫以及引人入勝的故事線,《Superpoodle and the Mega Blaster》適合喜歡動腦解決問題、突破難關的孩子閱讀,而且孩子必須完成任務才能繼續閱讀下去,精心安排的圖像與文字組合,帶孩子來一趟充滿互動與樂趣的閱讀體驗。
What is the sinister secret behind Velma Vixen's Phantastic Plastic? Can it really be as green as it seems? Superpoodle suspects not, and must use all his super powers to expose a fiendish plot. He'll need your help to solve a host of tricky puzzles and save the day. The latest addition to the amazing adventures of the Animal Action Squad.