The Routledge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Philanthropy

The Routledge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Philanthropy

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The Routledge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Philanthropy acts as a catalyst for the dialogue between two ecosystems with much to gain from collaboration: artificial intelligence (AI) and philanthropy. Bringing together leading academics, AI specialists, and philanthropy professionals, it offers a robust academic foundation for studying both how AI can be used and implemented within philanthropy and how philanthropy can guide the future development of AI in a responsible way.

The contributors to this handbook explore various facets of the AI-philanthropy dynamic, critically assess hurdles to increased AI adoption and integration in philanthropy, map the application of AI within the philanthropic sector, and evaluate how philanthropy can and should promote an AI that is ethical, inclusive, and responsible, and identify the landscape of risk strategies for their limitations and/or potential mitigation. These theoretical perspectives are complemented by several case studies that offer a pragmatic perspective on diverse successful and effective AI-philanthropy synergies.

As a result, this handbook stands as a valuable academic reference capable of enriching the interactions of AI and philanthropy, uniting the perspectives of scholars and practitioners, thus building bridges between research and implementation, and setting the foundations for future research endeavors on this topic.



Giuseppe Ugazio is an Associate Professor in Behavioural Philanthropy and Finance at the Geneva Finance Research Institute, faculty of economics and management of the University of Geneva. He holds two doctorates, one in philosophy and the other in neuro-economics and studies the neuropsychological mechanisms that influence complex human social behavior. He is pioneering research on the use of AI to unveil the potential of this technology to support the strategies and operations of philanthropy organizations. These projects include the development of a big data-driven tool using natural language processing to unveil synergies among philanthropic organizations in Switzerland.

Milos Maricic is an expert at the intersection of philanthropy, finance, and AI. As the founder of the Altruist League, a Geneva-based global philanthropy consultancy, he pioneered the use of AI in investment sourcing, fund distribution, and portfolio management. In 2021, he co-authored the book Fixing Philanthropy, which proposes a more efficient framework for global giving to address systemic issues. He has represented the venture capital industry in key international discussions on AI regulation. As a former humanitarian executive, he has spoken at major events, advocating for grassroots, citizen-led organizations.



  • ISBN:9781032743011
  • 規格:精裝 / 574頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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  • AI