This is the story behind the story of the small, scrappy independent press, Blood Moon Productions, whose celebrity exposés (more than 50 of them) generated tsunamis of tabloid flash during the decline of the entertainment industry’s golden age. It’s a story about Media, the Hollywood Dream Factory, and the clumsy, treacherous juggernaut known as FAME. It’s about the fantasies that the entertainment industry crafted, and the secrets it conspired to conceal. It offers an "on the down low" view of entertainers who delighted us, who captured our imaginations, and who paid heavy prices for the pedestals on which we placed them. It’s also a memorial to belief systems and values that in many cases have Gone With the Wind. From "Deep in December" of our lives (or, if we’re lucky, from Deep in September), we offer it as a tribute to the way we were. Here it is...Hollywood idiosyncratic, scrappy anthology like nothing that’s ever been seen before. It says a lot about the American version of Fame and/or Infamy that you might not have expected.
Happy reading...and may your memories burn bright.