Tapered Beams in Mems: A Symbolic Modeling Framework with Applications to Energy Harvesting

Tapered Beams in Mems: A Symbolic Modeling Framework with Applications to Energy Harvesting

  • 定價:5999

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This book addresses important aspects of MEMS designs that are well established in engineering practice but rarely discussed in the standard textbooks. One such aspect is the ubiquitous use of tapered beams in the sensing and actuation elements of MEMS designs. As explained in this book, the tapered beam has distinct advantages over the standard rectangular beam but these advantages are often left unarticulated due to the blind trust in the finite-element models of MEMS devices. In this monograph, the authors take a fundamental, physics-based approach to the modeling of tapered beams in MEMS that is based on a rigorous perturbation analysis of the traditional Euler-Bernoulli beam. The authors demonstrate how perturbation methods combined with symbolic modeling and the tools of computer algebra enable the development of semi-analytical models for tapered-beam MEMS elements. They pay particular attention to the application of these novel models to piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters with tapered-beam elements, including the development of lumped-parameter circuit models that can be readily used for fast electro-mechanical simulations. Another important aspect of MEMS designs that is extensively addressed in the book is the uncertainty quantification (UQ) of tapered-beam MEMS elements using both Monte Carlo and polynomial chaos expansion methods. These UQ methods are applied to the design of variation-aware piezoelectric energy harvesters. With consistent focus on MEMS devices with tapered beam elements, this up-to-date monograph



Wajih U. Syed received the Ph.D. degree from Khalifa University in June 2017. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with Khalifa University from 2017 to 2018. He has been a Senior

Algorithm Engineer with Masimo Corporation, Irvine, CA, since 2019. His research interests include mathematical modeling of multi-physics systems, the design and

characterization of MEMS, and design and development of medical instrumentation.

Ibrahim (Abe) M. Elfadel has been Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Masdar Institute, now part of Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab

Emirates, since 2011. Prior to his current academic position, he was with IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY, for 15 years as Research Staff Member and Senior Scientist involved in the

research, development, and deployment of VLSI CAD tools and methodologies for IBM’s high-end microprocessors. Between 2012 and2019, he led three Abu Dhabi-based,

industrially funded research centers dedicated to IoT, 3D Integration, and MEMS. Abe is the recipient of six Invention Achievement Awards, one Outstanding Technical

Achievement Award, and one Research Division Award, all from IBM, for his contributions to VLSI CAD. His other awards include the D. O. Pederson Best Paper

Award from the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design (2014) and the SRC Board of Directors Special Award for "pioneering semiconductor research in Abu

Dhabi" (2018). The editor of 5 books, Abe is the author of more than 160 refereed publications and the inventor of more than 50 issued US patents. Of note is his recently

published book: "Secure, Low-power IoT Communication Using Edge-Coded Signaling," Springer, 2022, co-authored with Shahzad Muzaffar. Abe has been actively

involved in serving the profession in various organizational and editorial roles. He received his PhD from MIT in 1993.



  • ISBN:9783031663901
  • 規格:精裝 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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