Made Up: A History of Identity and Gender Expression Through Makeup and Style

Made Up: A History of Identity and Gender Expression Through Makeup and Style

  • 作者: Butterfield, Charli
  • 原文出版社:Focal Press
  • 出版日期:2024/12/17
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:10800

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Made Up: A History of Identity and Gender Expression Through Makeup and Style explores historical and modern uses of makeup for self-expression, with a focus on gender.

The book begins by exploring the historical influences in the origins and development of makeup across genders, providing a whistle-stop tour of gendered adornment through time. The chapters that follow explore more specific topics that provide context for a range of influences on self-expression:

  • Sex, gender and identity, including introductory gender theory and terminology relevant to the topic.
  • Restrictions and resistance faced by the queer community regarding expression, with a historical look at pioneers of the movement.
  • Gendered cosmetic advertisements through time.
  • Subcultures and coded expression.
  • Beauty and identity in the digital age.
  • The impact of global ideals on the cosmetics market, with a focus on South Korea, exploring historical and modern influences and trends.

The book can be explored in a sequential or non-sequential order, as each chapter provides a standalone approach to a topic and concludes with questions to encourage further contemplation and research.

This book is written for anyone interested in the history of makeup as a vehicle for self-expression, and how gender comes into play; students and teachers of Theatrical makeup and Fashion courses, makeup artists, makeup enthusiasts, and those curious to discover what Ancient Egyptians and emos may have in common (spoiler: it’s not snakebites).



Charli Butterfield is a makeup artist and lecturer specialising in the history of makeup and creative makeup practice. With an MA in art history and background in gender studies, alongside over a decade of experience working with creative makeup brands, Charli is an enthusiastic champion of self-expression and teaches across a range of disciplines on subcultures, global beauty trends and identity through makeup and style.



  • ISBN:9781032454078
  • 規格:精裝 / 224頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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