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Dr. Fatih Özden is an Associate Professor at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Department of Health Care Services. He has completed a PhD program in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at Marmara University. Fatih Özden is an expert researcher in orthopaedic and neurological rehabilitation. The author’s particular area of interest is telerehabilitation services. Dr. Özden has been involved in many projects in this field and has contributed to developing telerehabilitation software and systems. He is on the editorial board of the Web of Science-indexed journals "Somatosensory & Motor Research" and "PLOS ONE". Dr Özden continues his academic studies in physiotherapy and rehabilitation with research, consultation, systematic review and meta-analysis.

Prof. Dr. Zübeyir Sarı is a Professor at Marmara University, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Prof. Dr. Sarı has completed many projects in the field of telerehabilitation with the funding of "The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey". The author has won many awards in national project competitions with his team. In addition to his academic activities, the author actively works on research & development projects, product development and patents. His main particular area is orthopaedic and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Prof. Dr. Zübeyir Sarı continues his current activities in the field of technological rehabilitation.

Prof. Dr Nazan Tuğay is a full professor in the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at SANKO University. Prof. Tuğay has contributed to the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation with many projects and research at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in the past twenty years. Prof. Dr Nazan Tuğay is experienced in the outpatient orthopaedic rehabilitation service during her early career at Hacettepe University. The author is an expert in orthopaedic rehabilitation, a consultant in academic thesis and commission memberships in telerehabilitation studies. Prof. Dr Nazan Tuğay has published many book chapters, articles and congress papers.



  • ISBN:9783031690792
  • 規格:精裝 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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