Dr. Shanmuga Sundar Dhanabalan is an accomplished researcher with a proven
track record in designing, developing, and translating micro- and nano-scale devices.
His primary objective is to create next-generation products that enhance quality of
life and well-being, making a significant contribution to society. He currently leading
a team ’wearable and connected sensors’ at RMIT University, with a focus on mate-
rials, flexible and stretchable devices, wearables, optics, and photonics. He graduated
with a PhD in flexible electronics in June 2017 and secured a competitive postdoctoral
fellowship from the Chilean government from 2018 to 2021. His studies have led to
publications in referred international journals, book chapters, and books in progress
as editor. He has presented plenary/keynote, invited talks and guest lectures, oral
and poster presentations at scientific meeting at various universities world-wide.
Several outcomes have been highlighted by scientific websites (such as Photonics
Media, USA). His research work has led to securing grants from Australian govern-
ment research schemes, such as the Cooperative Research Centres Projects, the ARC
Research Hub for Connected Sensors for Health, Victorian Medical Research Accel-
eration Fund, and the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre’s Commercialisation
Fund. He has collaborations with universities from various countries, including India,
Australia, Chile, Mexico, and Bangladesh. He has served as a reviewer for over 20
prestigious specialist journals. He also served as a topical editor for highly reputed
journals including IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Instrumenta-
tion and Measurement Magazine, IEEE, Energies, Computer and Electrical Engi-
neering. He is a part of the Editorial Board of American Journal of Optics and
Photonics. In addition, he served as a session chair and technical committee member
in various international conferences.
Dr. Arun Thirumurugan is a Academic Faculty at the University of ATACAMA
working on the development of magnetic nanocomposite for energy storage and
biological applications. He has completed his Ph.D. (2010-2015) at the National
Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli, India. He has worked as a post-
doctoral fellow (2015-2017) at the Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India, and
then worked as a FONDECYT postdoctoral fellow (2017-2020) at the University of
Chile, Santiago, Chile. His research interests are synthesizing magnetic nanoparti-
cles, surface modification of nanomaterials for the potential applications in detox-
ification, photocatalyst, energy storage, and biomedical applications. Dr. Thirumu-
rugan acts as a reviewer for various journals from different eminent publishers. He is
editing a topical issue on magnetic nanomaterials and carbonaceous nanocomposites
in the Frontiers publishing group. He edited two books. He published more than 90
international journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings.
Dr. Ramesh Raju is a staff scientist at Aalto University. His research focuses on
III-V materials growth and fabrication for optoelectronics applications and 2D mate-
rials growth and fabrication for photonics applications. During his Ph.D. at Anna
University, Chennai, India, his research focused on III-Nitride materials growth
by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) for optoelectronics applications.
After obtaining his Ph.D. degree, he moved to China, where he worked as a post-
doctoral researcher at the Nanophotonics Laboratory, College of Physics, Hunan
University (HNU), China. At HNU, he designed the growth setup for 2D material-
based heterostructure for photonics applications. Since he is experienced indifferent
growth, fabrication, and characterization skills, there is a natural scientific overlap
with optoelectronics photonics, nanotechnology, and micro and quantum activities.
In 2017, he started working with the optoelectronics and micro and quantum system
group at Aalto University, Finland. At Aalto University, his research is towards III-
Nitrides for optoelectronics and PEC water splitting applications. He published more
than 35 research articles/conference proceedings based on his work in India and other
international research at various universities. Dr. Ramesh Raju acts as a reviewer for
various journals from different eminent publishers.
Dr. Sathish-Kumar Kamaraj is a research professor at Instituto Politécnico
Nacional (IPN), Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avan-
zada, Unidad Altamira (IPN-CICATA, Altamira). He would like to express his grat-
itude to, the DirectorGeneral of Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) and Director
of Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada, Unidad
Altamira (CICATA Altamira) for their constant support and facilities, able to promote
the research activities. Extended his gratitude to the Secretaria de Investigación y
Posgrado (SIP) for project number 20231443. He received B.Sc. in Botany special-
ized in Industrial Microbiology, master’s in Microbiology, and a postgraduate in
Chemical Information Technology at Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu,
India. He obtained a Doctorate in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2010-2014)
from The Centre for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic
Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN), CDMX, Mexico, with a scholarship from the General
Directorate of International Relations-Secretary of Public Education Mexico (SEP-
Mexico). During the academic period, he received the Best Student Competition
Award at Battelle’s Second International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustain-
able Environmental Technologies (2013) in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. His thesis
won the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Mexican Hydrogen Society. His passion
for sustainable natural systems triggers him to integrate his knowledge of the various
fields to address the problems in the area of energy, environment, and health. He
registered various patents in the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI)
and technology transfer to the industries. He also has relationships with govern-
ment agencies and the private sector for circumstantial decision-making. He served
as a guest editor and a reviewer in international journals. Extended his gratitude
to Mrs Kamaraj Mounika and Bbg Aarudhraa for their family support. Research
Professor, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN)-Centro de Investigación en Ciencia
Aplicada y Tecnología AvanzadaUnidad Altamira (CICATA-Altamira), Carretera
Tampico-Puerto Industrial Altamira Km 14.5, C. Manzano, Industrial Altamira,
89600 Altamira, Tamps., Mexico
Sridarshini Thirumaran is currently working as an assistant professor in the
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering
Guindy Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India. She has completed her doctoral
degree in the field of Photonics which mainly focuses on "Photonic crystals for
passive optical components for optical communication systems" at Anna Univer-
sity, Chennai. Her areas of research are optical communication and networks and
photonics. She has contributed about 20 papers in reputed international/national
journals and 4 book chapters. Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, College of
Engineering Guindy Campus, Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.