This is the ultimate guide to Human Design. Learn about the comprehensive new science of astrology and gain new insights into your personality, relationships, and life challenges. Expert Human Design teacher Karen Curry Parker guides readers through the complex Human Design system in a clear, accessible way.
The Owner’s Manual for Your LifeDeveloped in the twentieth century by the late spiritual teacher Ra Uru Hu, Human Design marries science and spirituality to create a new evolution of astrology. Your Human Design chart goes beyond your birth signs and incorporates wisdom from spiritual traditions around the world to create a comprehensive, holistic picture of who you are as a person and how you interact with the world. Due to its complexity, the Human Design system can be intimidating to beginners, but have no fear--Human Design expert Karen Curry Parker is here to demystify the system and walk you through every aspect of your chart. In this book, you will learn about:
- The five personality types
- The nine centers, six lines, and twelve profiles
- The gates, circuits, and channels
- What all of this means for you and your life