本書作者曾駐北京、台北等地,為華盛頓郵報及華爾街日報深入報導科技產業與國際政治。為撰寫本書,她廣泛訪談相關人士,並仔細研究檔案內容,回溯華為發跡的過程,剖析這間科技公司的全球布局及監控能力,重現華為何以能變得如此強大的原因,指出其在經營上的優缺點、矛盾及陰暗面,揭示中國企業與國家榮耀間密不可分的關係。本書必將成為研究地緣政治、間諜活動和美中科技競爭的代表作。 (文/博客來編譯)
「作者獨家訪談、深入研究華為的企業史,詳盡描述這間公司的崛起,與中國國家安全之間複雜又具爭議性的關係。想了解中國科技產業、中美貿易科技戰,本書是必讀之作!」——《晶片戰爭》(Chip War)作者克里斯·米勒(Chris Miller)
「這部作品是研究中國國家資本主義、中國企業如何助長地緣政治競爭的主題中,不可或缺的重要參考書目。」–——國際公共事務學者,哥倫比亞大學資深研究學者愛德華‧費雪曼(Edward Fishman)
The untold story of the mysterious company that shook the world
'Groundbreaking' Dan Wang
'Essential reading' Chris Miller, author of Chip War
On the coast of southern China, an eccentric entrepreneur spent three decades steadily building an obscure telecom company into one of the world's most powerful technological empires with hardly anyone noticing. This all changed in December 2018, when the detention of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei Technologies' female scion, sparked an international hostage standoff, poured fuel on the U.S.-China trade war, and suddenly thrust the mysterious company into the international spotlight.
In House of Huawei, Washington Post technology reporter Eva Dou pieces together a remarkable portrait of Huawei's reclusive founder Ren Zhengfei and how he built a sprawling corporate empire - one whose rise Western policymakers have become increasingly obsessed with halting. The book dissects the global web of power, money, influence, surveillance, bloodshed and national glory that Huawei helped to build - and that has also ensnared it.
Based on wide-ranging interviews and painstaking archival research, House of Huawei tells an epic story of familial and political intrigue that presents a fresh window on China's rise from third-world country to U.S. rival, and shines a clarifying light on the security considerations that keep world leaders up at night.
House of Huawei holds a mirror up to one of the world's most mysterious companies as never before.